Either a man wants a commitment with you or he doesn’t. There are no half measures. Being temporarily committed is no different than not being committed at all. 

Don’t’ confuse attraction with commitment. Two people are attracted to each other and end up being boyfriend and girlfriend…sensing that they have something very solid and special when the danger is that they half a false perception that they have built something real and secure when there is no guarantee at all. Tomorrow it could be over. 

I know that not all woman desire marriage, and more power to them, but for those women than secretly yearn for it, stand true to what you want. That’s not to say that on the first date you should blurt out that you want to get married one day. No! Not at all, unless you want to see that poor man turn on his heels and run for the hills. I had one date right back, in the beginning, say, “Caroline, if you wanted to get married I would marry you.” Needless to say, I never saw him again. No, I’m saying, don’t push for a commitment of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, wait until he feels a stronger emotional bond with you then gently let him know where your heart is at. 

Is marriage just a piece of paper, a way to say to society that you are committed? No, it’s a way to tell each other that you are devoted and committed to each other. It’s a soft place for him to land, and a place of security for her. It’s a beautiful journey of the dream of having a forever partner, one to live fully expressed with, and one to grow old with. It’s a promise of not easily backing out tomorrow, but becoming one, not just friends, but joined together as one where society recognizes and respects that relationship.

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